Significant UX improvements on Main dashboard

We have deployed several improvements of Main dashboard “Favourite devices“.

List of improvements:

  1. User is no longer limited to maximum 12 devices, all new devices added by wizard will be added to favourites by default (user may choose otherwise)
  2. Dashboard “Favorite devices” is renamed to Main dashboard
  3. User may list devices in all categories on Main dashboard
  4. Possibility to filter devices by ID (case insensitive, full ID has to be entered), Name (full text search, case insensitive), Category (selection), Device type (multiple selection)
  5. Maximum 12 devices on one screen + paging to other devices matching the filter
  6. Responsive filter form on mobile devices with automatic hiding to save the screen space
  7. App remembers the last selected category (via browser storage)

We hope that these improvements offer much better value from the updated dashboard.

You may expect more features helping you to manage a large number of devices in next releases.