IO Frog 2.0

Here you will find all specific features related to IO Frog 2.0. The key changes:

  1. Devices are organized in groups
    1. All groups are in one tree-like structure
    2. User can create own sub-groups
  2. Users have specific access to groups. The access is defined by user permissions and roles.
  3. Categories are transferred into Tags
  4. Microservices are now Forwardings with the improved user interface
  5. Tag, Geoplaces, Rules, Public Channels, and Forwardings (formally Microservices) are moved from user level to group level and thus are available for all devices in a group.
  6. New Notification rules
    1. Multiple recipients
    2. Message templates
    3. You identify recipients of push notifications by their e-mail (multiple allowed) so, only these users will receive push notifications.
    4. Conditions using boolean AND/OR logic and all data from the message
    5. Because notification rules are now defined on group level, there are no notification settings on device level (it applies to web and mobile apps). Because notifications are now more complex, you have to manage them in web app only.
  7. Invitation of new users to the selected group
  8. Updated API documentation in standard Open API 3.0 format